The St Anthony sand dunes lie just to the northwest of Rexburg Idaho. It’s an interesting place. During the summer, it’s a popular place to run ATV’s dirt bikes, and buggies because the dunes here are extensive. The formations on are BLM land and are comprised of over 10,000 acres of white quartz sand. A few of the dunes can reach about 400′ high. As well, there is a pretty extensive wildlife management area, which is off limits to any riders.
As you walk along you can see outcroppings where the sand has blown away, exposing an ancient lava base underneath all of this area. Actually the lava flow for these long past eruptions can be found throughout Southeast Idaho. These dunes in particular were formed by blowing sand from the Teton and Snake rivers.
This image was taken in early April, so although there were a few hardy souls out riding the day before, on this morning the dunes were completely desolate. I had them all to myself, except for a large moose down in a valley. Just the way I like it. Coming up over a dune, the coyote tracks were pretty obvious, extending as far as the eye could see in both directions. Looking back at the distant Teton range made for a nice backdrop.